Can you spot the differences? Same girl, just with my bio hair vs my Zoe human hair wig. Y’all I am living for these bangs right now!

Four months ago I would have been so self conscious walking out of the house without a hat or wig on to cover my bald spots. I felt so much anxiety catching the eye of every person I assumed was staring at or judging me. It was a battle in my head every day just trying to get myself out the door.

Fast forward to today, I am able to walk outside without anything covering my scalp and I smile at every stranger I see without assuming their eyes are on my hair. I still struggle some days, but I’m working on positively changing my mindset because I realized that my hair does not define me! I know who I am in my heart and I strive to be the best person I can possibly be every single day.

Once I found happiness within myself nothing else matters to me. I’ve also learned how important it is to find people you can surround yourself with and invest your time in that love and support you for exactly who you are because you don’t deserve anything less.

Know more about the best human hair wigs in the world I worn:
Sophistication and cutting-edge style unite with Zoe, a warm Sandy Blonde salon-inspired color and a select pre-cut style.

Monofilament paired with lace presents entirely hand-tied hair and remarkable hair movement.

Zoe features a new anti-slip Silica Gel strip at the front, so no glue is needed. This polished style’s youthful bangs with subtle face framing pieces around the front is the finishing touch.

Cap construction: 100% hand-tied, with a 5”x 6” monofilament top and the rest of the cap is hand-tied Lace. Featuring a 4.5” Silica Gel anti-slip narrow strip at the front. Includes an adjustable strap and soft ear tabs.

Hair Length: bangs 4”, hair length 15.5”.

Available Colors: 617R- Sandy Blonde

Have you figure out that I restyle this best wigs into different bangs hairstyles?